Title: The Weight of Words (Weight of
Words #1)
Author: Georgina Guthrie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Publication Date: November 26, 2013
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Cover by: Micha Stone and Amy Brokaw
Event organized by: Literati Author Services,
Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of
Toronto. Bright, witty and fiercely independent, Aubrey works part-time
for the college Dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction.
When she meets Dean Grant’s son, Daniel, the TA in her senior
Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard’s works and an instant
mutual attraction draw Aubrey and Daniel together. Unfortunately, a
strict anti-fraternizing policy, made more perilous by a black mark on Daniel’s
record, keeps them apart.
Against this academic backdrop, Aubrey and Daniel navigate
their way through a steamy courtship, their forbidden romance aided, abetted
and sometimes thwarted by a colorful cast of friends, family and classmates.
My Thoughts:
You know how people say that the book they were reading was one that they couldn't put down? Well, let me tell you that The Weight of Words never left my hands for more than a few minutes from the time I picked it up to start reading it. It was a book that delivered on so many levels. The forbidden romance, times when I laughed out loud, sexual tension, amazing characters and superb writing. You know how sometimes completely out of the blue, a book just grabs you? The Weight of Words was it for me. It was brilliant!!!
Aubrey Price is an intelligent young woman in her final months of her degree at the University of Toronto. She gets great grades, has a part time job working for the dean and her hopes are to graduate with distinction. In her Shakespearean studies course she meets new TA Daniel Grant. Attracted to him from the get go, but knowing that as her TA, the attraction can go nowhere. And Daniel is so hot and cold towards her. But what if he feels the same attraction that she does? How will they find their way through those feelings without breaking the rules?
Angry-Daniel was something to behold. But then he was Tail-Between-His-Legs-Daniel, followed shortly afterwards by Tiny-Piece-Of-Heart-On-His-Sleeve-Daniel. The episode was rounded out nicely by Dimpled-Smile-And-Lip-Biting-Daniel. Smorgasbord right?
I adored Aubrey and Daniel. The way that Georgina Guthrie portrayed the two of them was perfect. I loved their intelligence. I loved their passion. I loved their desire to do what was right. I loved their friendship. I loved their need for each other. Aubrey was an instantly likeable character, where Daniel was a little harder to read at first. He came across as a little moody, but I without a doubt loved every side of him. I found him to be the most multi layered of all the characters, but this is a book that I am hard pressed to find a character that I didn't like.
This was not heart ache. An ache is a dull pain, and there was nothing dull about this; shards of glass were being repeatedly thrust into my heart, twisted, and then violently pulled out.
The Weight of Words is told from Aubrey's point of view. But at different times throughout the book I found myself wondering what Daniel would have been thinking during a certain scene. And then it was like my prayers had been answered because the story switched to Daniels voice for a short period, and it was just as fantastic as I thought it would be.
While the main thread of this book is forbidden romance and two characters having the strength to not give into their desires, there are some incredibly steamy scenes without the involvement of sex. One of the hottest is when Daniel was teaching Aubrey to play pool. No one has ever taught me how to play pool quite like that. I think I've been missing out!!!
The Weight of Words is an amazing read and is one of those books that will forever have a place on my favourites list. The writing was fantastic and engaging. I can't recommend this book enough.
I sent up a silent prayer of my own. And dear God? Thank you for creating Daniel in all his sweet-ass hotness. That's probably sacrilege, but I mean it most sincerely. Amen.
5/5 Perfect Daniel and Aubrey Stars!!
About the Author
Guthrie has been a self-professed book hugger for as long as she can
remember. An avid reader and compulsive diarist, she is thrilled to be taking
the leap into the world of publishing. GG resides in Toronto, Canada, but she
still considers herself a Brit through and through and can often be found
roaming the aisles of her favourite British import shop.
graduate of the University of Toronto where she studied English literature,
GG is happy to fill her hours reading and writing, but she’s just as likely
to be found enjoying a good film with her husband, dancing around the kitchen
with her daughter, or hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly
with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the
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