
Saturday, September 28, 2013

BOOK BLAST: Immortal Heart (Few Are Angels 0.5) by Inger Iversen

Title: Immortal Heart
Series: Few Are Angels Book # 3 (Prequel)
By: Inger Iversen
Expected Publication Date: September 28th, 2013
Genre: New Adult/Mature YA *Contains sexual content*

More than a century after the tragedy of Hélène's death and before Ella found Kale bruised and broken on her doorstep, Kale moved through the world in a haze of personal punishment allowing it to consume him. Until his friend, Detective Deacon, a newly infected Chorý calls on him for a favor.

In this prequel to the Few Are Angels series, Kale is thrown into a world of human blood trafficking and is introduced to a Chorý that offers him a chance at happiness— in blood.

Sola pushed her fingers through her hair, trying desperately to untangle the mess of curls bundled at the top of her head. She was late, again, and only had enough time to shower, brush her teeth, and finger combed her hair. She’d thrown on a teal green short-sleeved blouse outlined in black, a pair of skinny jeans, and her most comfortable ballet slippers. There was a small tour at work that day, and she’d decided to dress a bit more business casual than usual.
She looked at the clock on her wall and groaned. “Damned curls! You’re always getting tangled.” She winced as she tugged at them and yanked her scalp.
In high school, her hair had been one of her best features—wild and curly, with a touch of natural copper coloring. The boys always wanted to run their hands through it, and the girls always wondered how an African American mother and father could have possibly produced a toffee-colored girl, with hazel eyes and natural golden highlights. Her mother always said she looked like a young Minnie Gentry, but with a riot of curls on her head. She loved to tell Sola that she had an untamed wildness to her beauty that couldn’t be mimicked with any amount of makeup, but Sola didn’t know who Minnie Gentry was, nor did she care about some untamed wildness.
The alarm on her phone beeped again, and Sola gave up with a huff. She grabbed tangle-free hair band and her spray bottle of water. The water would make detangling her curls easier, but the heat outside would cause her hair to frizz later, but since time wasn’t on her side, she didn’t have a choice. She was supposed to being giving a tour of the shipyard museum to some middle school kids.
She always wondered who really cared about the shipyard. Okay, yes it was where part of the popular horror film Jennifer’s Body was filmed, but in the end the director, Karyn Kusama, cut the scenes that included the shipyard, so what was everyone so excited to see?
It didn’t matter, though; working at Jesper Ship Yard was the only way Sola could keep her tiny apartment without the direct help of her parents.
After throwing her damp hair in a ponytail, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door and down the stairs of her apartment complex.

Author Bio:
Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.

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