
Monday, September 17, 2012

BLOG TOUR & GIVEAWAY: Souls in Peril by Sherry Gammon

I'm really excited to be a part of the book tour for Sherry Gammon's new book Souls in Peril. It sounds like a fantastic read!! Thanks so much to Incandescent Enchantments for the opportunity to be involved!

Book Title: Souls in Peril
Author: Sherry Gammon
Age Group: Young Adult

Book Description:
Senior Max Sanchez has it all. He's the star pitcher for Port Fare High's baseball team. He's dating the head cheerleader, Emma McKay. He also has a great group of friends.

Junior JD Miller's life isn't nearly as good. Unlike Max, JD struggles with making friends. He's a social misfit. And He's being bullied at every turn. JD is also barely surviving.

A tragic accident changes everything and Max is thrown into JD's world. Will he survive? Will JD? How will this all affect these Souls in Peril?

About the author:
Author Sherry Gammon has been writing for several years. Her work has been in several newspapers, and an educational Magazine. She and her husband,along with their children and a couple of crazy dogs, call Upstate New York home.
Her first novel, Unlovable, Book One of the Port Fare series, is in the top 100 of Amazon's Best Seller's teens list, and she recently released a short story titled Pete & Tink.


“You did so good today, babe.” Max planted a long, deep kiss on Emma, having now completely forgotten that Lisa existed. He loved how she smelled of fresh cut grass after her pep rallies. It reminded him that his team was poised to take the state baseball championship this year. Now a senior at Port Fare High, this would be his last year as pitcher, and he hoped to go out in a blaze of glory.
“Hi, Max. I love you in this shirt,” Emma said with her signature heart-stopping grin. Max wore the yellow shirt on purpose. He knew Emma loved how the color popped against his golden Latino skin. “I'm thinking we should go and catch a movie tonight. That new slasher film,Glorious Guts, is at the drive-in.” Max ran a hand over Emma’s long blond hair and tucked a strand behind her ear. He loved the feel of it. So smooth and flowing compared to his dark curls.
“I hate slasher movies, you know that.” Emma scrunched her face, burying her sky-blue eyes behind her cheeks. She shook her blue and gold pompoms at him.
“I wasn't planning on watching the movie.” He wagged his eyebrows and grinned, bringing out the dimples on either side of his smile.
“Max!” She slapped her pompoms playfully on his chest. “What would your parents say if they heard you talk like that?” “Yeah, Max, what would they say?” Lisa interjected awkwardly into the conversation. He glanced over at Leo, who busied himself with a text, as usual. Max wondered if the cell phone was a third appendage, he'd seen it in Leo's hand so much.
“My father would probably agree with me, Lisa. My Madre? Not so much,” he admitted.

Don't forget to check out the other stops on the tour: - September 17 - Excerpt Reveal - September 18 - Interview - September 19 - Excerpt Reveal - September 20 - Review - September 21 - Review - September 22 - Review

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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